My Awesome Diry :D

to my BLOG!

December 12 2017
Hii, so I decided to start up a diry for all of my friends to read


LOL. so anyway, I wanted to go and see Star Wars with my friends last weeek but one of them was ill so I went t o see star wars yeaserday and it was really good! I really liked the part when kilo ren has his tits out infrunt of that one girl who i dont know the man of. LOL, it was a good film, OMG, I was so scared whenHan Solo came back, YOLO!

December 13 2017
Hhaah LOL, I forgeo to say that I made htis website! LOL, I forget some times, I'm like Derpy from MLP, I'm so randum some times. I'm so happy to be here on Neocities where all of the world can see how randum I can be, LOL! I hope you enjoy my randum blog of XD!

Decmeber 14 2017
OMG, so me and my girlfriend (I'm also a girl, I'm bi, but she only likes girls) watched Teen Titans Go today and we had such a fun time watching it, it's so random and funny just like me! I can't beleve that I've been going out with her fdor almost 3 weeks now, LOL, it's so Kewl!

December 15 2017
So the WORST thing happened today, I was looking on my Neocities page when I saw that someone had posted on my Neocities page, I looked and saw that some person (I don't know their gender) who calls theirself "Owlman" cammented on my Neocities page saying that my site looks like S***t - what a mean person, how dear they insalt my webpage, I tryed my best to make it the best thing ever, and someone called Owlman insalted me. I blocked and reported them to the Neocities staff, hopfully their website gets takne off Neocities.

Watchout, if you see someonce called Owlman make sute you block them at once or they will spam your inbox with mean comments. Unbeleveable!

December 16 2017
Still no reply from the Neocities staff!

December 17 2017
Still no reply from the Neocities staff!

December 18 2017
Still no reply from the Neocities staff!

December 19 2017
Still no reply from the Neocities staff!

December 20 2017
Still no reply from the Neocities staff!

December 21 2017
Still no reply from the Neocities staff!

December 22 2017
So it's been like a week since I reported Owlmanm to the staff and they STILL havn't said anything about it, ugh.

dECEMBER 23 2017

December 24 2017
OMG, it's CHRISTmas and I got loads of really Kewl stuff

I got

I hope that all of you fine christians have a MERRY CHRISTMAS :) 🙏 🙏 🙏

December 25 2017
OMG, so I found this really Kewl app on my iphione called reaadit it's like this place where you can post anything for cummonatys, I joined straght away to see what the fuss was about and I think it's really funn as H*ck! I even showed my GF and she told me that there were relly funny MEMEz over on the app, like this onw really funny one here, OMG, this is so me!

December 25 2017
OMG, how are you guys, I'm doing well, since I last wrote on this page, I've found a really funny rage comic, LOL, here it le is XD

December 26 2017
Hey guys, Owlman here and I'm a big gay. Hhaha, I was only joking, it#'s Ice here, I'm not a JERK like Owlman, their a real mean person. I was looking at their site and as it turs out they wrote a real mean piece on Donald Trump saying that he's a joke. Uh, sorry to Say Owlboy, but Donald Trump is your presadunt and theres noting you and you little b*tch friends can do about it, stop being a cry baby and except that your leader is Donald Trump .

December 27 2007
LOL, so today I was showing my girlfriend Owlboys GAY website and sh e said it looked like trash compared to mine, that's right, hear that OwlOY? You're site is trash. Why dont you delet it so noone can see how ugly it is? I cant beleve that your From the Unirted Kindgom, you would think thta some one from their wuldnt be so RUDE and MeAN? But nope, you're a real a**h** to other people, you lnow tht right? Kill yoursafe.

December 28 2017
HAPPY NEW YEAR everypony, it;s 2018 and you know what that memes, IT'S TIME TO PARTY!!!

December 29 2017
Woops, too soon, I'm such a BAKA!

Here is some Anime ascii

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"Lum" (from Urusei Yatsura)
--- Michael C. Ling

December 30 2017
OMG, LAST DAY OF 2017!!!

December 31 2017
Hiiiiiii everyone, it's yo girl Ghost Ice, I'm just goaan say I wish all of you a Happy New Yrar, I hope you all have a great 2018! LOL!

January 1 2018
Hii everyone, welp, it;'s 2018 and and that means that it's a whole new year to have fun!

Janary 2 2018
Ive got sum bad news guys... My gF and myself have broken up... It's already been one hour but I already miss her ;-(

plz come back...

Janary 3 2018
*Sigh* I dnt knw what to do, it's already been 24 hours since we broken up and I already feel really, really , really sad :-(

Janary 4 2018
GOOD NEW GUYS! Me and my GF decided to get back to gether, 2018 is turning out great"!

Janary 5 2017
I need to take a short brake from this site for a week or so, I'll be back!

Janary 6 2017
Okay guys, so yeaterday I stRTED to use my own Neocities and not being located on a friends' website. I can now control my own Necoities, OMG, it's super cool!!! Ahhh!!!

I alos made my on Discord server so make sure you join!!!